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Hotkey library helper


Purpose and Usage

1. HotkeyManager.parseKeyCombination​


  • combination: A string representing the key combination, where parts are separated by spaces or plus signs (+). Valid parts include modifier keys (ctrl, alt, shift, numlock) and any key represented in the HotkeyManager.keyMapping.

Return Values

  • Boolean: true if the parsing was successful, false otherwise.
  • Modifiers: A numeric bitmask representing the modifiers that were parsed from the combination. This bitmask corresponds to flags defined in Enums.FlagModifiers.
  • Key: A string representing the key code of the non-modifier key part of the combination. If the combination is invalid, this will be nil.


-- Attempt to parse the key combination
local success, modifiers, key = HotkeyManager.parseKeyCombination("ctrl+shift+K")

-- Check if the parsing was successful
if success then
print("Modifiers bitmask:", modifiers)
print("Key code:", key)

-- Set up a timer to check if the key combination is pressed
Timer("KeyTest", function()
-- Use the parsed key and modifiers to check if the specified combination is pressed
if Client.isKeyPressed(key, modifiers) then
print("The key combination has been pressed.")
end, 50)
print("Invalid key combination.")


  • Ensure that all keys and modifiers are correctly spelled and supported by HotkeyManager.keyMapping and Enums.FlagModifiers.
  • The function does not support multiple non-modifier keys in a single combination. If such a scenario is encountered, only the last key in the sequence is considered.