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πŸ“š ZeroBot - General


The Overview tab provides a basic view of your character, as well as includes the Outfit Changer feature.

Outfit Changer

The Outfit Changer allows Tibia players to customize their character's appearance locally, adding variety and fun to the game experience without affecting other players or the server's functionality.



The Healing system of ZeroBot aims to keep the character alive in challenging situations, allowing the player to focus on other tasks within the game.

Basic Features​

Health Monitoring:
The bot constantly monitors the character's hit points (HP) by continuously reading the HP values displayed on the game's interface.

Healing Threshold Configuration:
Users can set different HP thresholds to trigger healing actions, such as using a health potion when HP is below 70% or casting a healing spell when HP is below 30%.

Types of Healing:

  • Potions: The bot can use health potions when the HP reaches a certain level.
  • Spells: The bot can automatically cast healing spells when HP falls below a certain value.
  • Special Items: The bot can use special items with healing properties when configured.

Priorities and Combinations:
Users can set priorities on which healing method to use first, such as giving preference to a spell over a potion.

Advanced Features​

Hotkey Configuration:
The bot can be set up to activate/deactivate the Healing system using a hotkey, allowing for quick activation without navigating the menus.

Conditional Healing Rules:
The bot can be programmed to heal based on conditions such as Drunk, Rooted, Feared, and more.

Example Configuration​

  • Exura Med Ico: Use when HP < 80%
  • Exura Ico: Use when HP < 50%
  • Ultimate Health Potion: Use when HP < 40%
  • Great Health Potion: Use when HP < 70%

Heal Friend

Heal Friend

The Heal Friend feature automates the process of healing other players.

  • Configuration: Players define the conditions that trigger healing, such as the type of spell and the friend's health level.
  • Monitoring: The bot monitors the friends' health and automatically heals when necessary.
  • Personalization: Healing can be customized according to game needs.

This function is useful for maximizing group efficiency, keeping allies healed without manual intervention.



The Conditions tab allows configuring spells to be automatically renewed, such as:

  • Utani Hur: Keeps the running spell active.
  • Utana Vid: Renews Utana Vid when mana is above the defined value.
  • Utura/Utura Gran: Renews after duration ends.
  • Utamo Vita: Uses according to the player's HP percentage.
  • Exana Vita: Uses to remove Utamo Vita.

Hotkeys can be configured to quickly activate/deactivate these actions.




The Targeting tab configures how the bot should focus on each creature. Some options include:

  • Priority: Low, Medium, or High.
  • Mode: Stand, Chase, Distance, or Diagonal.
  • HP %: Defines the creature's HP percentage to activate targeting.

The targeting system can be activated/deactivated quickly by a hotkey.

Magic Shooter​

Magic Shooter

The Magic Shooter automates spell casting against enemies. It includes:

  • Spell Configuration: Defines which spells to use and under what conditions.
  • Targets and Conditions: Configures monster names, mana/HP percentages, and monster count.

This system can be activated/deactivated with a hotkey.



The CaveBot interface simplifies the addition and management of waypoints, supporting various actions such as using ropes or ladders.

Key features include:

  • Auto Recorder: Automatically records waypoints.
  • Debug HUD: Monitors the CaveBot’s operation.

The CaveBot can also be activated/deactivated as needed.



The Equipment function automatically switches the player's equipment based on conditions such as HP, MP, and status (e.g., Rooted or Paralyzed).

The system can be activated/deactivated quickly with a hotkey.




Features include:

  • Auto Change Coins: Automatically converts coins to save space.
  • Eat Food: Ensures the character is always fed.
  • Reconnect: Automatically reconnects the player after a disconnection.
  • Anti-AFK: Prevents the character from being marked as AFK (Away From Keyboard) and disconnected for inactivity.



The PVP tab automates the use of Small Stone Amulet, Might Ring, and includes options like Anti-Push and Hold Target.



Displays information about active modules such as Healing, Magic Shooter, and allies/enemies on the screen.



The Timer can be used to send messages or use items after a set time.



Allows adjustments to the bot's internal functioning, such as delays, hiding the ZeroBot button, and providing tools for calculating party gains and disabling scripts.



The Script tab stores LUA scripts that can be created or downloaded and placed in the Documents\ZeroBot\Scripts folder.



The Settings tab stores profiles saved in .json format. It’s possible to associate profiles with hotkeys, making it easy to switch without navigating the menus.