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Overall client functions

Client.isKeyPressed(key, flags)


--- Check if the client is currently connected.
-- This function is a wrapper around the external function clientIsConnected.
-- @return true if the client is currently connected, false otherwise.
function Client.isConnected()

--- Check if a specified hotkey is currently pressed.
-- This function is a wrapper around the external function clientIsKeyPressed.
-- @param key (number) - The key code. Example: A (0x65)
-- @param flags (string) - The flags for modifiers. Refer the parameter value as Enums.FlagModifiers, apply bit or operation for multiple flags
-- @return true if the specified key is currently pressed, false otherwise.
function Client.isKeyPressed(key, flags)

--- Show a message on center of game screen.
-- This function is a wrapper around the external function clientShowMessage.
-- @param message (string) - The message to be shown
function Client.showMessage(message)

-- Get the current latency from the client latency indicator UI.
-- This function is a wrapper around the external function clientGetLatency.
-- @return The current latency in milliseconds, if the information isn't available will return -1.
function Client.getLatency()

--- Get the current latency from the server.
-- This function is a wrapper around the external function clientGetServerLatency.
-- @return The current server latency in milliseconds, if the information isn't available will return 0.
function Client.getServerLatency()

--- Focus the client window.
-- This function is a wrapper around the external function clientFocus.
-- Note from Windows documentation: An application cannot force a window to the foreground while the user is working with another window. Instead, Windows flashes the taskbar button of the window to notify the user.
function Client.focus()

-- Send a key press event to the client.
-- This function is a wrapper around the external function clientSendHotkey.
-- You can base the key and modifier params on HotkeyManager.parseKeyCombination function returns.
-- @param key (number) - The key code.
-- @param modifier (number) - The modifier flags.
function Client.sendHotkey(key, modifier)